Dream Marks On My Pillow
To get a really good night’s rest I need silence. I have two kittens and they wake me up at ungodly hours of the night. The main culprit’s name is Stitch. He is an adorable tabby cat. At night he knocks my hamper over and pulls out all my socks, he knocks things off my shelves and tries to climb on top of them. I have a small black clock that sits on my desk and he knocks it to the floor. He will climb in my window and make my blinds make noise. Then he will leap down and his sister and him will chase one another around and race across my bed a few hundred times. Finally when I think they are done, I begin to drift to sleep only to be rudely awoken by Stitch scratching the wall or racing across my desk or dresser, or scaring me by pouncing from the floor to where my head rests with his claws outstretched. Night time is an awful time for me and I miss the silence but I love the company.
You are such a pest
All you do is keep me up
All i want is sleep
My cats are good sleepers now, but every once in a while my Skinnycat feels frisky in the middle of the night and likes to knock things of my nightstand and bat them around the hardwood floors. Or come up and nip my face until I wake up to let him out to pursue his nightly adventures...